Membership Plans and Class Packages


1 month of unlimited classes. Perfect for those attending 2 or more classes a week.

Membership will be renewed automatically unless canceled by member.

$135.00 a month

Class Packages

Single Class- Perfect if you are visiting town and want to pop into a class or trying a new class to see how you like it. Just “book a class” for the drop in price.


5 Classes- Good for any 5 classes of choice. Perfect if you are looking to take one class a week. Expires 3 months from purchase date.


10 Classes- Good for any 10 classes of choice. Perfect if you plan on taking 1-2 classes a week. Expires 6 months after purchase date.


30 Classes- Good for any 30 classes of choice. This package is great if you’d like the ability to pop into a few classes a month with no commitment of a membership. Expires 1 year after purchase date.


3 Month Membership

3 months of unlimited classes. Perfect for those who want to attend multiple classes during the week.

Membership will not be renewed at the end of 3 months.

$125.00 a month