
Ashley McDonald

I’m Ashley. A farmers wife and a mom to two wonderful, energetic boys! I was a stay at home mom for 6.5 years and turned to working out as my “me time”. Fitness and running became a passion. 4 years ago I decided to take my passion to the next level and got certified as a group fitness instructor. I quickly decided that I wanted to expand my teaching capabilities and became a personal trainer and got certified in PiYo, multiple AMPD programs, and most recently Mat Pilates. I have completed races ranging from 5K-50K and love the sense of accomplishment at the finish line and knowing that my training and hard work has paid off. I wanted to be able to give that same sense of accomplishment to others so, I became a certified RRCA running coach. Nothing excites me more than seeing people reach their own goals and push themselves to new limits. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family, reading (mystery, murder and history books) and cooking.


Rose Spik

Rose Spik has been practicing and teaching yoga for 20 years. In 2020 she completed her 200-hour Registered

Yoga Teacher training and is a graduate of the Bare Bones Anatomy Blueprint Learning Program.

Rose has taught outdoors in local parks, in the corporate setting, studios, gyms, churches, community and senior

centers and in private communities. Her students have ranged in age from 6 to 90 with a wide variety of fitness levels and

mobility. Amid COVID just after she completed her RYT, Rose created Kent Island Yoga in the Park to bring students

together outdoors in a safe and joyous setting for their yoga practice.

Rose believes a solid understanding of body movement and anatomy is the most important aspect of teaching

yoga. She continues the study of yoga anatomy through trainings and workshops, as well as through her beloved and

battered copies of the Yoga Anatomy Coloring Book and The Illustrated Atlas of Human Anatomy.

Rose likes to remind students there is no right or wrong yoga practice; there is only what works for the student in

that moment. Rose enjoys guiding students through a yoga practice to cultivate balance, focus, calm and a sense of


When she is not practicing or studying yoga, she and her husband may be found hiking the Appalachian Trail,

going to baseball games, working in their garden or; depending upon the season; sitting on their back porch watching for

bats or hummingbirds or in front of their fireplace with a glass of wine or a mug of tea. They have two extremely

accomplished daughters, a great dog and a surly cat.

Kayla Jones, 500-RYT

For me, the beauty in yoga is that there is no finish line. The same pose can be done at all different levels and still be wildly beneficial. Showing up for yourself, on your mat, can sometimes be the biggest hurdle. I love to encourage students to meet themselves exactly where they are and give themselves grace. 

Kayla has achieved the certification of a 500 hour Registered Yoga Teacher with a focus in Hatha yoga through Yoga Alliance. She holds certification in Hands on Adjustment, Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra (meditation). Her favorite practice is meditation and her favorite class to create is a VinYin + Meditation.

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